
The overall challenge for industry players is the extensive regulation of all aspects of the business activities - ranging from research through to distribution, marketing and sales - combined with the difficulty of navigating in a market characterised by public law.

Our task group is a strategic mix of lawyers with different specialised practice areas who, as a team, have the required expertise to advise all types of industry parties on the industry's legal and tactical challenges, regardless of whether they concern regulatory matters or general business law, including mergers and acquisitions and licensing.

Our experts have knowledge of the healthcare sector seen from the perspective of the public authorities and the size of our organisation enables us to form multi-disciplinary teams made up of experts with valuable industry insight.

Click the links to learn more about our areas.


Jeppe Buskov
Partner (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 44 15
Mob. +45 24 86 00 18
Oliver Machholdt
Partner (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 46 06
Mob. +45 61 20 11 74