More than legal experts

We serve as trusted advisers and legal counsel to the corporate sector in Denmark as well as internationally. Joining commercial insight with a genuine focus on your business, we succeed. Together.

ESG Report 2023

In 2023, we developed a new ambitious ESG strategy. We now present our progress in an ESG report, which compiles our goals and results in climate, environment, social issues, and governance.

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ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance – is a rapidly evolving area, and businesses are facing stricter requirements for their ESG work, including sustainability. But what are the ESG requirements, and what does...

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The Unitary Patent is a novel patent right that will serve as an alternative to traditional European patents and national patents. The...

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Reporting on environmental, social, governance (ESG) and sustainability issues has gained momentum in Denmark in recent years. And...

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The UPC will radically change the patent landscape in Europe. The new system may be an advantage for companies that wish to assert...


Kromann Reumert tops the international ratings every year.

Ratings grafik 2024

Defense & Security

We have Denmark's leading Defense and Security practice, specialising in all types of legal advice within the industry.

Our Defense and Security practice consists of more than 20 lawyers, many of whom has a military background and hence a solid understanding of the needs and challenges of the sector.  Our defense and security team is put together across different legal areas in order to offer the specialised advising that's needed from case to case. 

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Christina Bruun Gertsen smiler

We work together across functions and practice groups to give you the very best advice and service.

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Our experts offer specialist advice on all aspects of commercial law – never losing sight of your particular context.

2023 Annual Review in Digital Format

2023 was a groundbreaking year marked by challenges and remarkable progress. Please explore and discover how we embraced all the challenges and progress of 2023.

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