Biobanks, CRO and laboratories

Health data is expected to create world-class research and secure Denmark a world-leading role in the area. However, there are rigid requirements for the processing of data, particularly where personal data is involved.

Our industry group is well versed in assisting biobanks, CROs, laboratories and suppliers. 

We involve experts from the relevant legal areas, and for personal data issues we always work closely with our lawyers specialised in data protection law. In working this way, we help establish the necessary legal framework for our clients, so that they can accommodate research sector needs for attracting investors while at the same time safeguarding patient security.

We advise on:

  • Personal data and international transfers of data
  • Capital raising
  • Approvals and other requirements, and regulatory matters
  • Research, development, clinical trials, non-disclosure agreements
  • Patents, trademarks, and confidential information
  • Commercial agreements


Jeppe Buskov
Partner (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 44 15
Mob. +45 24 86 00 18
Oliver Machholdt
Partner (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 46 06
Mob. +45 61 20 11 74