
Kromann Reumert's patent litigation team also takes up permanent presence in London

Kromann Reumert establishes a permanent presence in the strategically important patent litigation hub in London. In future, Kromann Reumert's patent specialists will also be part of Kromann Reumert's London office.

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Last year, Kromann Reumert announced an expansion of its London office to cover more practice areas, as part of the firm's ambition to intensify its international outlook. Now, patent litigation is added to the team where Nicolaj Bording and Nicolai Lindgreen will form part of the group of partners with a permanent base in both London and Copenhagen. 
"Our London office is a unique opportunity to establish a permanent bridgehead into the strategically important London market and the patent litigation circles in London, both professionally and commercially. We look forward to having a permanent base in both London and Copenhagen and continue to further strengthen and develop Kromann Reumert's position as a leading firm within patent litigation", says Nicolaj Bording. He further elaborates, "patent litigation is very internationally orientated, and a great part of the business comes out of London. In addition, London has a highly sophisticated milieu for patent litigation which we would like to be even closer to."
"Historically, London has been very important for international patent litigation, and therefore also for patent litigation in Denmark. We expect that to continue, despite Brexit and despite the fact that the UK will not be part of the UPC (Unified Patent Court) and the new Unitary Patent. In fact, we think it will be even more important to be in London when the UPC opens, to maintain our strong connection to the UK market and the relevant circles in London", says Nicolai Lindgreen and further elaborates, "with a permanent presence in London, we can engage with the patent litigation environment in a completely different way, compared with only operating out of Copenhagen. We can work better and more naturally on long-term relationship building"


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Nicolaj Bording
Partner (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 45 87
Mob. +45 61 63 54 38