Advice for a sustainable future

We offer pro bono advice to start-ups and organisations that focus on solving some of the world’s biggest challenges. We do this because we believe that by helping them with their legal issues, they can focus on doing what they do best. In that way, we join forces in creating changes in the world.

Contributing to justice is at the heart of our work as lawyers. And people and relationships are essential to our business. It therefore underpins many of the initiatives we are launching. We support and actively commit to projects centered around children and youths, education and learning. Entrepreneurship is an important part of this.

Pro bono in Kromann Reumert


Impact startups

We have since 2017 been a legal partner at DTU Skylab, an innovation hub for students and researchers at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) who dream of becoming an entrepreneur. It is a pro bono partnership, where we offer legal advice to more than 50 new teams every year. Jakob Svagin, Head of Section, Startups & Partnerships at DTU Skylab, explains:

"At Skylab, our founders have a technical mindset and are largely driven by an interest in technology. It means that they rarely have the knowledge necessary to run a business – being mainly interested in developing solutions. By offering courses and advice through our partners, we therefore seek to prepare them for also running a business, including for handling all the legal challenges to be aware of,” says Jakob.

So technology is the common denominator of the many start-ups at DTU Skylab. And even more important: impact! These are start-ups that offer sustainable solutions to some of the world's biggest problems in the areas of climate, environment and equality. Last year, we entered into a partnership with NIRAS Green Tech Hub, where we also advise impact start-ups.

We tailor our advice to address the typical issues that start-ups are facing: how to draw up a shareholders’ agreement, what to consider in one’s “first major contract”, should new employees be offered co-ownership and on what terms, and what to do if new investors join the company?

Entrepreneurs and start-ups should focus on what they are good at. Our free advice helps start-ups avoid typical pitfalls while optimising their chances of becoming successful businesses with sustainable solutions. Jakob puts into words the importance of legal advice:

"Meeting with a lawyer is a great learning experience for our start-ups. Kromann Reumert and our other partners, including auditors and patent attorneys, help lower the barriers for our start-ups and allow them to embark on their entrepreneurial journey. And he adds: “The advice in the hub is also an investment in Denmark as a country where many people will succeed in setting up a business in the future.

Annual review and ESG report

The article was first published in our annual review and ESG report 2023. Explore the interactive publication.

Explore the publication


Christina Bruun Geertsen
Managing Partner (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 43 26
Mob. +45 20 10 63 69
Christina Helbro
CPO Chief Protection Officer (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 21 32
Mob. +45 24 86 00 27