Payment services and electronic money, etc.

We are experienced in advising and assisting both Danish and foreign clients in connection with provision of payment services and issuance of electronic money.

Our assistance includes:

  • advice regarding applications by banks, electronic money institutions, and payment institutions for licences to provide payment services and/or issue electronic money
  • advice regarding applications for licence to provide limited payment services or limited licences to issue electronic money and registration of issuance of payment substitutes
  • advice regarding foreign institutions' provision of payment services or issuance of electronic money in Denmark as well as Danish institutions' provision of payment services or issuance of electronic money abroad
  • preparation of, and advice on, agreements covered by the Danish Payment Services Act
  • advice on whether specific services are covered by the Danish Payment Services Act.


Jacob Høeg Madsen
Partner (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 44 58
Mob. +45 40 30 30 16
Jeppe Buskov
Partner (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 44 15
Mob. +45 24 86 00 18