eKRim: New tool for handling internal investigations, red flag analyses, and legal privilege protection

With stricter regulation, increased risk of searches and dawn raids and greater focus on internal fraud and corruption, a growing number of businesses will need to conduct internal forensic investigations and red flag analyses. For that purpose, technical data collection and specialised process management tools will often be required - tools that are typically not available internally. Our investigation team has unique expert knowledge of such cases and has developed specialised tools and methods to handle them. Our newest tool is eKRim.


eKRim is a structured work process for investigations that ensures GDPR compliant data collection and proper and effective data review. The tool provides a flexible approach that can be scaled to the specific task, whether small or big.

eKRim offers a process for getting quick answers to questions that are key to the investigation, including:

  • Is there evidence of any wrongdoing?
  • Who is involved?
  • Have any acts been committed that give rise to liability?
  • Should any act be reported to the authorities?
  • Has a loss been incurred?

Further, eKRim can be used for red flag analyses and protection of legal privilege and for rapid investigation of possible criminal offences in whistleblower reports, which are likely to increase in number as a result of the new stronger whistleblower legislation to be introduced in the EU and Denmark.

Red flag analyses

In the initial phase of an investigation, you have to determine the fundamentals of what has actually happened. For this purpose, it may prove useful to search through key individuals’ electronic information (typically mailboxes) during a specific period to establish if there are indications of a “smoking gun” or other red flags. eKRim facilitates such investigations and ensures that you do not launch a comprehensive and expensive investigation that is not justified by a vague suspicion.

Legal privilege

Compliance cases can be extremely complex, and in the worst-case scenario, reckless handling can exacerbate the situation. eKRim is helpful in planning the internal case work and guaranteeing confidentiality and protection as required by the legal privilege rules.

Want to learn more?

Our specialist team has experience from a broad range of investigations in both Denmark and abroad. We have unique specialised knowledge and have developed tools and methods to handle internal investigations, forensics, and similar matters.

If you need an investigation or suspect that something might be wrong, please do not hesitate to contact us for a confidential and informal discussion. We will then find the right solution that meets your need.


Hans Jakob Folker
Partner (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 46 23
Mob. +45 61 61 30 09
Malene Helle Nielsen
Teamleder, PM og E-services (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 46 88
Mob. +45 24 86 00 82