Jacob Møller

Partner (Aarhus)
Dir. +45 38 77 43 63
Mob. +45 20 19 74 05

Jacob Møller is a specialist in real estate matters.

Jacob advises a broad range of private and public clients, including municipalities and educational institutions, on questions concerning lease, sale, purchase, and project development of real estate. He also advises on all matters regarding construction law and has over the years accumulated considerable litigation experience in real estate issues. 

Furthermore, Jacob provides advice on all aspects of city infrastructure projects, including the negotiation and setting up of complex joint venture companies. Finally, he has for more than 25 years been advising non-profit housing organisations.

He is acknowledged for his solution-oriented approach and eye for the detail, which is particularly advantageous for project development work that tends to involve a large number of parties operating over extended periods.

Jacob recognises the importance of working closely with clients to gain a thorough understanding of their businesses. Jacob has an excellent track record and has successfully, and to his clients' satisfaction, handled a high number of complex transactions, real estate projects, and restructurings.



  • Right of audience before the Danish Supreme Court 2009
  • Partner, Kromann Reumert, 2007-
  • Kromann Reumert, 1997-


  • Master of Laws (LL.M), Kings College, London, 2001
  • Attorney 2000
  • Master of Laws (cand. jur.), Aarhus University 1997


  • English


  • Member of the Danish Society for Housing Law
  • Former lecturer at Aarhus University and external examiner at Aalborg University
  • Member of the National Building Association
  • Member of the IBA Real Estate Committee
  • Member of the Lex Mundi Real Estate Practice Group


  • "Projektudvikling af fast ejendom – en håndbog for praktikere" (Real-Estate Project Development - a Practitioner's Handbook), Thomson, 2005

High-profile cases

In Aarhus, Jacob has for more than 20 years been advising Aarhus University Research Foundation and its subsidiary FEAS in the transformation of the old industrial area Katrinebjerg and the former hospital area into a new university campus for the benefit of the city and the University of Aarhus (+ 200.000 sq. metres)

In Aarhus, Jacob has also advised on other private developments, e.g. the mixed use areas Frederiks Plads and Nicolinehus.

In Odense, Jacob has helped  with the development of i.a. Odeon (mixed use concert and congress destination) and with the transformation of the former Thomas B. Thriges Road into an integrated part of the inner city with huge sub-terrain parking areas and various new city areas and buildings.

Jacob is also advising various municipalities on the on-going conversions of existing industrial harbour areas into new re-developed city areas.

In the social housing sector Jacob is helping among others Brabrand Boligforening in Aarhus and the housing companies in Vollsmose in Odense with the transformation of their vast areas into a new re-developed part of the respective cities. In Vollsmose this is done through the first of its kind in Denmark joint venture between the municipality of Odense, two social housing companies and a pension fund.


Jacob is rated in Legal 500 (Recommended Lawyer).


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