
Copenhagen: Most liveable city for Europeans

Setting up business in Copenhagen might be even more enjoyable than you thought! Once again, Copenhagen is the most liveable location for European expatriates.

ECA International annually rates more than 450 locations around the world for "liveability". When ranking, ECA International takes several factors into account, for example availability of health services, personal safety, access to a social network, and political tensions.

In 2018 Copenhagen was ranked number one, and Denmark's capital repeats the accomplishment in the newly-released 2019 ranking.

The first place is shared with Bern, and this is what Neil Ashman, Senior Analyst, Location Ratings at ECA International says about the result:

"Cities in Scandinavia, Switzerland and the Netherlands have offered good liveability across the board for many years now, with factors such as excellent infrastructure, reliable transport systems, and a high level of healthcare all contributing to their consistently excellent liveability score."

A great city for investments and scientific work

"Copenhagen – and Denmark in general – has for many years been an attractive location for international investors. Our legislation is transparent, there is a wave of corporate innovation, and investors are assured competent, internationally oriented legal advice," says Arne Møllin Ottosen, managing partner at Kromann Reumert.

Attracting competent employees to Denmark is a general political priority. This is amongst others supported by the attractive expatriate tax scheme, which allows foreign employees a low tax rate for up to seven years and has been subject to further relaxed requirements with effect from 1 January 2019.

Partner Marianne Granhøj emphasizes the potential of the scheme:

"The scheme is attractive for companies, enabling them to attract competencies and talent to Denmark and supports the employee's ability to establish a solid basis for living and working in Denmark."

Read more about the ECA International ranking.


Arne Møllin Ottosen
Partner (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 44 66
Mob. +45 20 19 74 62
Marianne Granhøj
Partner (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 46 80
Mob. +45 24 27 48 20