
Kromann Reumert assists with the sale of one of the largest Danish biogas facilities

Kromann Reumert has, together with DAHL Advokatpartnerselskab, assisted the sellers of one of the largest biogas facilities in Denmark, Vinkel Bioenergi, with the divestment of the company to - and simultaneous reinvestment in - a joint venture consisting of asset management company Maigaard & Molbech and energy developer European Energy.


The facility will become an integral feature in a circular bioeconomic group - a hub of green technologies, processing facilities and undertakings that mutually utilizes each other's output and contribute to make the agricultural industry more sustainable.

Read more: Sky Just Eat-rigmand skyder penge i jysk biogasanlæg ( (in Danish) and Maigaard & Molbech and European Energy acquires Vinkel Bioenergi in an innovative joint venture (European Energy)

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Sofie Jensen
Director, Advokat (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 44 83
Mob. +45 20 19 74 43
Kasper Morgenthaler Vissing
Associate, advokat (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 47 05
Mob. +45 51 22 02 33